First time for everything

Those of you who know me know I love country boys. Exactly why I married one! You would think by now that I would have been hunting. I must admit I did go “snip” hunting when I was around 15. Hmmm maybe thats why I havent been back. Lol. So Dalton(hubby) asks me what I want to do Sunday for our last day before Deer Season <rifle season> begins…. Hmm let me think. Lets go hunting.  Ok so most of you must be thinking dang Kane really wants to hunt. Wrong…. I wanted to take pictures & be outside it was a gorgeous day. But It was also a plus getting to see my hubby do something he loves. So lets see first things first you have to shower with no scent shampoo/bodywash. Notice anything missing Conditioner? Lord my hair was a nightmare. I finally got the brush through it and just braided it to calm down the frizz.  Dalton has,since bought me shampoo & conditioner maybe I complained a little too much. Then on to scent free deodorant & no makeup. Thank god the deers arent judging me lol. My outfit consisted of mens pants from walmart & camo shirt. Not flattering . Thank goodness he already put a ring on it. Then head out to get the gear. I never knew how much stuff you need. Hunting is not cheap. Get to the woods and walk to his spot. He sets up a blind for me and sets me up with snacks & a chair. Let me tell you I was in heaven. Just hanging out snacking & chilling UNTIL…. My chair fell backwards and I couldnt catch myself. Fell onto the blind & Dalton had to come get me up. He pulled the chair out from underneath me then I rolled over into a bunch of thorns in my ass. OMG I knew,I had aged I felt like I needed A life alert necklace!! Once back upright we went back to being quiet & looking for deers. Then a doe in heat came along. A buck was right behind her. It was so pretty.  Dalton get a shot because he didnt want to spook it and couldnt get his bow up quick enough. Needless to say my heart was full and my ass was bruised. But I loved every bit of it. ❤❤❤

My little deer blind cacoon 

The Hubby & I ❤❤

View from the blind 

Allie Grace ❤

Happy 15th Birthday Allie G… In my eyes you will always be that little 5 year old girl that I first met. That loved spending the night with Sav and I. That asked for a toothbrush dispenser you seen on an infomercial for your birthday. That would walk around in our heels dancing to beyonce single ladies. Im so proud of the young lady that you are becoming. Love you so much sis …