OH the joys of pregnancy. The first trimester weeks 1- 13. The first few weeks of course you have no clue and life goes on as usual. Then the excitement with the test and telling your close loved ones. The first month & a half were a breeze. The only symptom I could tell was I was super sleepy and could fall asleep anywhere. Then came the middle of the 2nd month and 3rd month. ROUGH city. I think I threw up every morning for 3 weeks straight. Brushing my teeth became a chore which still is for some reason it makes me nauseous now.

I have realized that baby Hall hates anything pork. First found that out at Christmas dinner when I took a bite into the Christmas ham. Not having any of that. So no breakfast food for me for the next few months. Morning Sickness kicked in full force. Then I got Strep throat and the dreaded flu! My husband is a saint. He took such great care of me! I had to go to the ER 3 times in 10 days.

The great thing about the first trimester is hearing that heartbeat for the first time and seeing that little jellybean on the ultrasound. The future is bright! Now on to the second trimester and seeing what gender our little jellybean is!