New Mom Update: Day 165

Hellllo Blog World. Sorry I have been MIA. We welcomed a baby girl on July 27th! Remington Rae Hall has been such a blessing to our little family. Being a first time mom is an adventure in itself. Just wanted to share a few funny/true things I have realized this first 6 months. All of the cliches are true! I instantly loved her when I saw her! But first lets rewind!

1. Contractions : are the devil. The pain is indescribable!

2. I was skeptical about loving someone so much instantly. Its true ! I couldnt get enough of her.

3. Breastfeeding is hard and exhausting. Some are just not meant to do it.

4. Mom Guilt is Real! See #3. My first case but I did finally give myself a break.

5. Post Partum depression is very real. Its the oddest thing . You have this miracle in front of you but you cant stop crying. Thank goodness for good doctors and medicine and a very supportive hubby.

6. I never thought I would be so excited when someone pooped ! I always thought it would make ne gag. Its weird when its your child it doesnt bother you.

7. Burping. You feel like an Olympic gold medalist when you get a good burp after a feeding.

8. Single parents need a daily award. Me and Dalton both have breaking points. We know when the other one needs a break and are there to step in. I couldnt imagine doing it alone.

9. You will act a fool anywhere to get one tiny smile.

10. I love seeing the world through her eyes.

Here are a few pics of our growing girl :



Wanted to set a few goals for the month of November to see if I can achieve them.

  1. Clean & Organize the Extra Bedroom. ( Whose has one of these? The catch all of the extra crap we don’t need).
  2. Have at least 3 date nights with the hubby. (Which may not sound like a lot to some but you know it is hunting season lol)
  3. Christmas Shopping and Wrapping all finished. ( I hate fighting the crowds around the holidays for gift shopping).
  4. Take Christmas Card Photo and Get Cards Mailed.
  5. Plan a girls night with my favorite girls.
  6. Cook something for Thanksgiving. First Holiday Season as a wife I need to step up my game.    What are some goals that you are planning to achieve?

OH HAPPY DAY. 10-7-17 {Part 1}

It took a couple of weeks to write this blog but I wanted to share our special day with everyone. As a little girl you dream of your wedding day. I never knew what kind of stress or time it meant to plan a wedding but after the end result I am so happy we done it. That day we woke up to wonderful weather! The forecast all week had predicted rain. We went and visited Daltons family before we headed to the cabin to finish up the décor at the cabin. Just driving dirt roads that morning with the windows down with my soon to be husband was amazing.  I will always remember just looking over at him smiling at how excited I was.

The morning of ❤

Gorgeous drive to the cabin

Get to the cabin still had tons to do :(. My MOH bestie got there that morning and helped with getting the décor just right .  Then the girls headed to take showers and go to the hair salon. Of course we had mimosas while we were getting ready. Its been a long time since Me and Sav got to just hang out by ourselves. I cherished that on such a special day. I am very blessed with a dear dear friend. Then we listened to old school rap and drove back out to the cabin.


Got back to the cabin then began the chaos.  We did pictures before. Going to write a separate post for our first look photos. The ceremony went off without a hitch. My friend Steve Brogdon performed our ceremony for us. He did such a wonderful job.  It was very special to hear his speech he prepared because he is such a good friend with such a big heart. Our wedding party included:

Daltons Best Man: Ryan Adkins Groomsmen : Josh Summers.


My Maid of Honor : Savannah Pyle

Flower Girls: Reese Waldrop & Addleigh Pickett
Ring Bearers: Logan Bonzo & Gabriel Bonzo

Friends and Family that some I haven’t seen in years came to celebrate with us. We are so very blessed to start this amazing journey with so many wonderful people around us.

Thank you for reading … Stay tuned for more wedding pictures 🙂


Tomorrow is the big day!! So many emotions that I am experiencing.. Life is a rollercoaster… Highs & Lows… Dips & Turns…. Years after years I watched all my friends find their husbands have their babies and start their beautiful lives. There for a few years I had accepted singlehood and was living a full life surrounded by amazing people. I dreamed of a happily ever after. Ive experienced heartbreak and pain that I never thought I could live through. Friend after friend saying ,”dont worry Kane it will happen.”  As I sit here writing this even though Im stressed I have never been more in love in my life. All those cliches are true. I have never had someone love me like Dalton does: The good, the bad and the ugly. He has my back 100%. He makes me laugh every single day. So very thankful that we get to vow tomorrow in front of all our friends & family to love each other forever. Its the easiest decision I have ever made. So I just wanted to say thank you to all the people that are making our wedding possible. This girl is finally getting her happily ever after… 

Last Fling Before The Ring …

Just got back from an amazing weekend with my girls. I am very blessed. We headed out to Choctaw Casino & Resort on Friday to spend the weekend living it up. The posse included Sav, Kay, Camille, Syd, Tg, Mom & Nita. 

Was not expecting gifts and I was showered with them all weekend. Here is,my bride gear from Sav 💜

Day 1 : Friday in the Pool at 2:30 👍

First drink: Shark Bite at the Swim up Bar .

Me & Kay by the Pool 👭

The Room Decor 💜💜

Gifts gifts and more gifts 

Omg the cutest gift bags for everyone!! MOH is the best. 

Personalized coozies 

Ended night 1 in the hot tub laughing so hard my stomach hurt.. 👭👭


Mom got us a cabana at the pool for the whole day so we enjoyed life at the resort pool until about 4 🙂 Then napped, showered, went out and bowled.. Busy Busy day !! 

Ready for our night out 👭

Mom 💜

Had the best time with my girls. Cannot thank them enough for celebrating my engagement and upcoming wedding. Blessed with the best …. 

💜 Thanks for reading 💜

August 12th & August 13th

August 12th- 5 blessings in your life. This is a hard one . Im blessed more than I should be.

1. My job. As much as I want to be a millonaire and never work I have an awesome job till I hit that jackpot. 💙

2. The unfollow button on facebook. 😂😂Best of both worlds dont have to delete that annoying friend and cause drama. But also dont have to look at all that stupid crap they post. 

3. Blessed to be able to laugh instead of cry. Most times . 🙄

4. Blessed with an amazing small group of loyal friends

5. Blessed with the best partner for life. He loves me for me 

August 13th- What are you excited about ? 

Im excited for the upcoming wedding. Only 55 more days ! I never knew I could be this happy. Im also excited for Sydnees wedding a week before mine. 💜💙

The Brides & Grooms of Fall 

Here are a,couple of pics I took of S & K in 2012 !!! 

August 8th & August 9th

August 8th: Something you struggle with.. 

Struggles are always hard to talk about. Why is that ? The more you talk and understand the problem the quicker you can work through it. It took me a long time to realize that. This post is probably the most honest and raw I have been. I have lived with and struggled with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember. At 15 I was diagnosed with PTSD for some things,that happened in my childhood. At 15 I thought I knew it all and didnt need medication or counseling. I was stubborn and far too emotional for any type of help or guidance. I hid it very well for a long time. But as everyone knows repressing and not dealing with your issues will eventually blow up in your face.  I can honestly say the mental health system failed me over and over. Without reliving each time I will just say I was turned away more than I was helped. That was a tough time not feeling that you can go on and crying out for professional help but getting nothing in return. Then there was rock bottom. I hit it hard. I didnt want to go on but finally I found a counselor and a medication that worked for me. I worked hard to love myself again and somedays its a struggle but I can honestly say that I am a new person. So Yes I am a big advocate for mental health issues. I hate the stigmatism around it. Its real people and its a life long battle. 

August 9th: Post some words of wisdom that speak to you. 


Blog Challenge Day2&3

Day2: Something someone told me about myself that I never forgot. 

This one is a tough one….. I do remember a dear friend of mine and I just talking about our lives the good the bad and the ugly…. And her saying Kane you are so brave & a survivor…. I never thought of myself like that. I just take life as it comes. Ive been dealt some bad cards but survived and now the happiest I have ever been preparing for my upcoming wedding.

Day 3: Top 3 Pet Peeves… 

Im going to break out my negative nancy here 🙂 

1. Inconsiderate people: Take a minute and consider how your actions or words affects others… Be Kind People

2. Loud People. My mom always told me I am my Papa Bill made over. He couldnt handle people slamming the door or being loud. Take it down a notch …..

3. Slow drivers in the fast lane…. 

MOVE OVER slowpokes . NEW law in ok… 
Thanks for reading 💙💙